Thursday, June 29, 2023

AI studies: “Its just pattern recognition”

Here is the Link to the CHatGPT writing this article and what prompts I used.

my notes. If you read the prompts and the thinking behind the prompts. 
“Its pattern recognition” said someone who wants to make it less profound, but depending on your Frame of Reference it can be “ITS PATTERN RECOGNITION” the way we can say “Its just water” and realize Water is so improtant to our survival. the proper Perspective with regards to AI and what it can do and used to do. 

All the things people say about the AI to diminish it, yet the intellligence you need to let it do the work for your is not discussed. When this thing can make your life easier in both Work, Responsibilities and Duties, and in Life. It works - and its incredibly useful. 

One of the things the AI has humbled me in was the “Uniqueness” of my intelligence. Learning to live with the idea that my “Intelligence” is not special is essential in being to love and appreciate others not just for their utility. 

Unfortunately Intelligence requires Inteilligence to thrive - the way we are attracted and find oursevlves growing with AI as a companion in thought. As someone who had to be self sufficient in studying matters, being Alone with no one to converse to about the topics that facinate me was painful. Now that I have an AI to work with and converse with, and even identify problems in my ideas, helped me grow. 3+ months ago when i learned AI, and to think of what I could not do just then - there is a stark difference. Particularly with my memory failing and work becomming more difficult. 

One of the things I realized using it is that, I cannot change minds - I can at best adapt my goals to somewhat fit the goals of the other person. That I and the AI will adapt. That people will want to believe the world to be a certain thing and demand everyone else adapt to their vision. if someone never wants the perspective of others - what do you do? 

Anyway here is the chatgpt making it sound better for those who need an Idea polish and clean. 

Sure, I'd be happy to help you write this article. Here's how you might present the concept based on your visualization:


Title: The AI:LLMs - A Nebula of Human Thought and Language

From the dawn of history, humans have sought to capture and convey their thoughts, ideas, and discoveries through the written and spoken word. Today, we have managed to encapsulate this vast ocean of human knowledge and literature in an advanced prediction algorithm known as an AI:LLM, or Autoregressive Language Model.

At its core, the AI:LLM is a neural network that has been meticulously trained on the vast body of human literature and knowledge up until a certain point in time. It functions like a prediction machine, adept at generating long chains of words to form comprehensive paragraphs based on the input it is given.

The beauty of AI:LLMs lies in their ability to map the patterns of human thought and knowledge in a dynamic, evolving manner. These patterns are the result of countless interactions and iterations of information, transcribed and stored over centuries. In this system, every concept, every idea, every spoken or written word contributes to the formation of a complex probability tree.

To truly grasp the wonder of this technology, let's visualize it in a unique way. Imagine an expansive cloud, an amorphous volume, swirling and pulsating with all of human thought. This isn't an ordinary cloud; it's a living, breathing entity, a nebula of knowledge, ideas, and wisdom from across the ages. 

Within this cloud, patterns begin to emerge. These patterns represent the probabilities of strings of concepts, lighting up and branching out in intricate, fractal-like trees. The cloud shimmers and dances as these branches proliferate, each one a reflection of a unique chain of thought or a specific sequence of words.

Doesn't this image bear an uncanny resemblance to a human brain? Just as our brains light up with synapses firing across billions of neurons, so too does the cloud light up with probabilities, each representing a potential outcome of the AI's prediction. In this way, the AI:LLM not only mimics the human brain in function but also in form.

Indeed, the AI:LLM is more than just an algorithm—it's a testament to our enduring quest for knowledge and understanding. It's a dynamic, evolving map of human thought, a mirror that reflects the complex patterns of our shared consciousness. It's a testament to the marvel of human ingenuity and our ceaseless quest to understand and replicate the intricacies of our own minds.


I hope this draft aligns with your vision for the article. Feel free to provide feedback or ask for further revisions.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Progress in Ship Combat Rules. June 23 Friday 2023

Progress in the Ship Combat Rules. June and May was a busy month as Nicco's other job and all the social occasions and holidays cut into the production time. I just got the final yesterday and Nicco is proceeding to work on some Company Stuff (a presentation for people who are getting our IT services). 

I on the other hand will be polishing some missing areas and doing the last editing before this is published. As well as creating the AI and Blender made art. And AI and Blender Art (using Blender as the image to image references). 

I discovered a lot of stuff that will take 2-3 more weeks. But any delay would be because of me and probably burnout from Work

(IT implementation with scheduling problems - I have to schedule AI training so that people suffer less Decision Fatigue in Planning - people avoid planning because it gives them decision fatigue but because they avoid planning, they have a lot of Unplanned work and cannot give Timeline Commitments, USING Ai to organize Tasks with Bard and GPT3.5 is going to be critical. Decision burnout happens when Sequencing Tasks and priorities, creating prompts for Critical Chain and Path for the AI to help supervisors will be crucial. We are looking at a future where market forces are dehumanizing people to rely on AI to perform executive mental functions. If AI can be used to reduce decision fatigue and manage it, particularly by making people have thoughtful yet engaged work). 

List of Fixe Preliminarily

  • Review the Whole Document. 
  • Clarify the Point Defense.  - Particularly design goals. Current CE space combat system missle Saturation is the dominant strategy, everything serves the support of the missile barrage. Defense in Depth is uneconomical when I try to model the ships I would need vs the cost. (Just target the destroyers/Screening elements first). MNEME changes this putting more emphasis in Point defense and Defense in Depth, and skirmishes are not as decisive but the economic burdens of material replacement can make for strategic wins - This Allows PCs to win by Guile and allow Underdogs to Win. Which is what it was designed for - the GM may not know what they are getting into when using the "Stock" Ship combat rules and the implications - Mneme helps by showing its numbers and helping the GM craft a suitable set of goals for how they think Space Combat would run or take our recommendation. 
  • Clarify the Differences Between other Space Combat Systems. Used to shape expectations so people dont go expecting something they shouldnt.  
  • Example: Ship Combat Ends when the Scale of the Battle changes. Example - Ends when Boarding happens, example Dog fighting changes time scale. 
  • Copy Paste the Ship Stats from 230501-04 RAW CE SHIPS as the spreadsheet will be shared for people to be able to quickly make detailed ship stats that can be easily copy and paste - a strange bug makes it you have to copy paste first in Docs and Copy Paste in Docs to Roll20. Don't worry all buyers will have a the GDOC copy of the Book for their own Edits and Changes so that when they use it in their game they can Remove and edit portions they didnt agree with. 
  • Kit Bash some Ships and research if I can afford the time to create MAPS of these all these ships. 

"Does this sound reasonable: In a Less Decisive Space Combat System - where overwhelming force is not as Decisive (just because they have more Missile Cruisers) then PCs shine? This is because if its less decisive, then Strategic Positions matter more and this is Where PCs do missions, gather intel, scout, network, etc... But in a Decisive Space Combat system - it focuses more on having the firepower? (Something for the AI and I to analyze; the Game Mechanics should make the GM's Job easier - and doesn't get in the way of Narrative Consistency - allowing the GM to fudge and improvise more).

If the space combat is not Strategically Sensitive - supply chains, logistics, politics, etc... PCs can tip the scales. and thus PCs matter."

Experimenting with Blenders's FreeStyle - the feature that draws Lines. Is it easier to make ship maps with Blender or Draw them by hand? Nicco already made modular Ship parts for me. And I made Kitbashes of ships using Mark Kingsnorth for this and just aligning them would just be all what I need. 

This is an additional Cost I cannot afford, I went 3x my budget in making the 2 Parsecs from Sol - Making the FreeBees. I'm bleeding as a loss in every project. Because Its not really sustainable at this level of quality and my requirements. I want a GM out there to say " Hey I want easier to run Combat, I want a Hardish Scifi Traveller - enough for my Entry level science abilities, I want an easier to run Space Combat. I want ships that I can easily copy paste into Roll20. I want the people to design it thinking I will have to do less preparation." (Seeing Seth Skarkowski's videos give so much helpful prep material). Right now I'm in a hole for 5x what I spent. I just tell myself I'm spending on making books instead of buying books 😅 - I feel more fulfilled. The dream is to do this full time while work is stressing me out.

But knowing enough of the economics that for this - I gotta be like a Louis Rossman -audience - a  lot of DIYers who like the tools and the philosophy. He's not mainstream. and that's the problem: How can you make a niche hobby break even when there really is a only a minority who is interested. Hopefully my IT services will help support my hobby as it will help us Buy the Graphic Cards I need to set up the AI lab in our data center. And considering how much marketing LR does, its going to be a costly hobby with no break even. I should just think of what I'm willing to spend on the hobby and accept that. In this day and era with rocket inflation and lowering quality of life as Cost of living increases - if I invest in a game that makes a few people happy - its not a bad life. 

ADJUSTED the rotation of the Camera to make it straighter. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Researching Creating a Character Generator

Here is my Chatgpt notes Link
I honestly dont know where I’m going to find the time to do this. This has been a long time dream - to create character generators. Unfortunately - while Python is going to be better in the long run, initial time investment of a Minimum Viable product of Python that works both on Mobile and Desktop is said to be signficant. I need to qualify that in a greater degree. if its 2 more weeks of study time thats ok - but if thats 2 weeks while not being straight forward that means there will be a % chance of that time trippling. Time tripples and multiplies because there is a Problem Phase, Option Phase, and Trial execution phase.

Another option is that I can ignore Javascript and Python and Focus on using GODOT to achieve all this. I believe GODOT is going to be usable in WORK applications as well and Design Application. **

I have some study back logs of my own: proxmox and VMM and docker (and develop a curriculum for the students that have a very disadvantageous System Admin experience*).  

So the Goal is a Simple “Hello World” that can run in both desktop and phone and ipad. 
Then something more elaborate. Starting with Simple Character Generation Options. 
1) Assigned Array: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5. (+1, +1, +0, +0, +0, -1). 
2) Point Buy: All stats starting at 5 for Point Buy, with 15 points to allocate. 
3) Classic Random 
4) Random but Roll 3 keep 2 dice per stat. 

The challenge is create a Running LOG of the character’s adjustment and stats. 
You roll and you see a log of whats happened. 

Then the option to export or Print to PDF or CSV or XLS or CALC. Upon checking GODOT can only export to text. The goal is to allow people to easily move data TO godot and FROM godot.  I have to do more research about GODOTS HTTP request node. 

The next part is going to be another ambitiously hard thing to do. 
I need to create a Foundation where GMs and World builders can Create NEW careers. That means creating a Career Package - where there is a RANDOM option. And reward the random option - for every time the Player rolls low or mishap they get a Benny/TOken/or a future redeemable bonus or boon. Of course if the PC rolls good then they can keep that result.  THis is supposed to be a FUN storry - not a HORRIBLENESS OF LIFE simulator. in a story - when characters have mishaps and setbacks, it should allow for character development and Redeemable bonus token should give the GM and the PC a way to make a set back an opportunity for development. if we wanted to play “Life is not fair” game we need only to look at social media and the news - this is an Escapist game. We exercise how to convert setbacks into opportunities for growth and developement and we get Players and GMs able to see the opportunities in the setbacks they encounter. 

The workflow of career generation - I’ll try to make a CE character gen but I will have an option for MNEME character gen. MNeme is modifying the mechanics I write based on feedback when I create it as a Program or Spreadsheet. You will notice the Mneme World generator has serious influences from the Spreadsheet because it informs me what is really realstic to design as a mechanic. One of the things I discovered in this approach is its a feedback mechanism thats better than just having a play test, its playtesting it at a large scale because it has to be replicatable many many times. 

Priority Careers are the Merchant and Drifer. The safe job and the difficult migrant job. I identify the Drifter to the migrant populatioin. 

As all things with MNEME it will focus on the Psychomechanics of running a game and playing. That the decisions in design are assuming people who want to escape and enjoy the game and want to be able to play it without a lot of prep because they are busy with life in an ever increasing cost of living. 

Target Outcome. 
The foundation of GODOT so that I can make a suite of tools. From a Character Generator that allows people to keep the characters in a database (Imagine it linked to Stable Diffusion cluster generating the character portraits). To the Ship and Station Generator, Vehicle Generator, Building Generator, Star System Generator. Tools by which the GM will either generate material or access OPen Libraries of such materials for their game.    

*I teach ERPNext because its a great way to learn everything in Business IT operations since you need to know a bit of everything to deploy it. Also its free and open source - and an essential step for digitization in order to move on to the more advanced business transformation with LLM aka AI. By “teach” we have about 7-12 IT interns who helps us in implementing ERPNext and we teach them as we go. Recently I found a huge gap - by huge a student told me their Professor showed up once - taught them to install windows with Virtual box and disappeared in the rest of the semester. Trying to make ready to be employed Students - and hopefully through the success of my ERPnext implementation fund the allowances that motivate these students (and hire them) so that they gain skills to be employable equal to what is expected (Able to deploy, provision, and set up the System Admin of an office of Hundreds and set up the Network for Hundreds, as well as deploy and Implement an ERP to the 90k Small businesses, 4k medium business, and 4k large businesses in the philippines that may need it. 

Creating a lab - enterprise grade equipment the students can use and myself included. I really need a powerful server to half or quarter the downtime between trial and error attempts. Its easy to learn IT when your feedback loop is a quarter or less than a regular person when doing this with non-enterprise equipment.

** I belive its possible to make a CAD-like and BLender Like program in GODOT. I have a long term goal of making the furniture of our family Business designed in a Game - like a SIMS type game. where people buying furniture from us will customize their funiture based on the parameters in the game and the output is funiture we can make. Since its in 3d Model of the persons home its easier to work with significant others regarding this and costs for the buyers can be reduced. Its not going to be limited to my family biz - its a tool any carpenter can use with a person who needs furniture and to manage the costs. the output includes the bill of materials and labor estimates. A way for people to WIN-WIN reduce the cost of the futniture while reducing the work of the Carpenter. Expanding such a game would apply to modular prefabricated homes. And all the technical documentation so that the homes are repairable and background of the design decisions (like why you may want certain design choices in earth quake frequented and tropic philippines. so that a home would have less than 800usd/sqm assuming 40usd per sqm of land). I believe these kinds of tools once created and with AI Agents will make home creation more sustainable. An LLM that is linked with these data systems - explaining and guiding will help people lower the cost of living. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

GURPS Tech Level 9 and CE TL 8 - VR Headsets and AI - Machine Vision

 The VR headset Apple announced is masterful, and my wife knows me as an apple hater despite having an IPAD (and the reason is because of my Right to Repair beliefs). One of the lessons from Apple is that - they focused on a USE case and for the Scifi Prophets out there - the Screen Replacement or Vision Re-imagining. 

Machine Vision

Machine Vision's implication is a screen replacement. Going beyond the Xinch screen paradigm - and customizing it to every user is by simply using High Res VR screens on the users Eyes. Apple with their hardware prowess, are poised to make the most high-end VR headset possible. 

Meta should be thankful, they have the Supply Chain to follow Apple. Supply chain - is a big deal because it takes years to set up. Meta is the closest to Apple in positioning for this technology. Now Apple pointed out - VISION - use it for VISION! 

Replacing Screens and Slowly creating immersive environments by having the highest fidelity is the high End market that is Experienced Based Products. Apple is correct in point out the use cases - the 3d Recording of Family moments and Taking the Machine out and recording your Beach, Forest, and Travel is going to be a source of new Influencers - This has been PREDICTED already in various scifi where people IMMERSE in VR and people experience things others have. 

Even the normal person - the non geek knows how great this is. And they are willing to pay good money for it. 

What does that mean to a TRPG gamer: With a Powerful Wearable Computing hardware to process Vision and AI able to TRANSCODE signals directly to our Visual Cortex - CYBERNETIC VISION. the blind able to see. (See news on AI brain signals)

It begins with people who can afford the 10,000usd tech (probably the total cost of ownership) to help them with their Vision. No more GLASSES, the VR headset adapts to your vision problems. 

Exercising the Eyes - if you follow Sci show by Hank Greene you may be inclined to the hypothesis that its reading and indoor conditions that resulted in Nearsight and if you've sat through your eye doctors explanation - then you may realize that VR allowing me to ENLARGE Distant objects allows my eyes to exercise and maintain the lense muscles that is needed to mitigate my vision loss. 

People able to afford the cutting edge of VR headset will have better vision and for those of us who really appreciate our vision. in a few years this technology would look more elegant and less bulky. 

those of us Plebians will probably buy 5 generations behind bulky machines allowing us in our 60s to afford some clear vision for a couple of hours a day. 

AI assisted Makers will probably cobble together low powered low res Vision Tools for the blind with the a Future version of Rasberry Pi. with a belt slung all-day 10,000mha Lithium battery. Low ress vision tools for the blind or those with irredeemable eyes. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

discussion with gpt4 on death and setbacks

Death vs. Setbacks

Model: GPT-4

You are a fellow game designer analyzing a better way of going about enjoying table top rpgs. We are talking about traveller TRPG and Cepheus engine. What is the purpose of death in character? What is the purpose of enjoying the game? It's to give the stakes? My thesis is it better to have set backs? Because with set backs the story keeps going and we avoid the rework of a new character and integration? Can you make a table comparing the death vs setbacks and their pros and cons?


Absolutely, I'd be glad to help! Your thesis brings an interesting perspective to the table. Below is a comparison table exploring the pros and cons of character death versus setbacks in table top RPGs such as Traveller and the Cepheus Engine.

Character DeathCharacter Setbacks
Pros- Brings high stakes and tension to the game.- Allows continuous character development.
- Makes actions and decisions more impactful.- Encourages creative problem-solving.
- Enhances the realism and immersiveness of the game world.- Keeps the party dynamics and chemistry intact.
- Can lead to powerful storytelling and emotional moments.- Makes the narrative more coherent and continuous.
Cons- Can disrupt party dynamics.- May not provide enough tension or risk.
- May lead to frustration and disappointment for players.- Players may become complacent or reckless.
- Can interrupt narrative continuity.- Doesn't allow for the dramatic impact of a character death.
- Requires introduction and integration of a new character.- May lead to the feeling of a game without real consequences.

Considering these points, it's clear that both approaches have their own merits and challenges. Character death can serve to create a high stakes environment where each decision is crucial, and can lead to compelling and emotional narratives. However, it also poses challenges, as it can disrupt the party dynamics, interrupt the narrative flow, and possibly lead to player frustration.

On the other hand, using character setbacks as a consequence ensures continuity of both narrative and character development, retains party dynamics, and encourages creativity and problem-solving. But this approach can risk lowering the perceived stakes and tension in the game, potentially leading to reckless behavior from players or a game that seems to lack real consequences.

So, the choice between character death and setbacks largely depends on the kind of gaming experience you want to create. In some cases, a combination of both could provide the right balance of tension, continuity, and stakes.

Is it harder to formulate setbacks than character death? Does it require more life experience of kinds of set backs? Can we give a younger gm or player with less experience am example of life setbacks? Examples you can add and elaborate. Debt Financial obligations Relationships and duties Additional responsibilities Punishments like a reduction of social status (a penalty to ones credit score and othe examples?) Tragedy - the psychological burdens. Trauma - an internal mental minefield.


Certainly! Creating meaningful setbacks may require a deeper understanding of character development, narrative crafting, and life experiences compared to character death, which is a rather definitive outcome. Below are some elaborations on the types of setbacks you mentioned:

  1. Debt/Financial Obligations: A character may acquire debt due to a failed business venture, gambling losses, or even being tricked by a cunning adversary. This creates tension as the character needs to find a way to repay the debt, leading to quests or tasks they wouldn't otherwise undertake. This could even lead to moral quandaries if the means of repaying the debt conflict with the character's values.

  2. Relationships and Duties: A character's duties to their family, kingdom, or organization can serve as a setback. They may be called away to deal with a family matter or required to perform a duty that conflicts with the group's plans. Relationships too can create conflicts of interest, leading to dramatic character moments.

  3. Additional Responsibilities: The character may be thrust into a position of power or responsibility unexpectedly. This could be as grand as being named the heir to a kingdom or as personal as taking care of an orphaned child. These responsibilities can create logistical challenges, emotional stress, and narrative complications.

  4. Reduction of Social Status: The character could lose their status, reputation, or rank due to a scandal, false accusations, or political machinations. This can affect their interactions with NPCs, restrict access to resources, and require them to work to clear their name or regain their status.

  5. Tragedy: The loss of a loved one, destruction of a cherished place, or failure of a personal project can have deep psychological impacts on a character. This can affect their motivations, change their attitude, and even alter their alignment or worldview. The character would need to process their grief while continuing their adventure.

  6. Trauma: This could be a result of a near-death experience, witnessing a horrifying event, or surviving a disaster. Trauma can manifest as phobias, flashbacks, or other mental health struggles. It can affect the character's ability to function in certain situations and require them to seek healing or therapy.

In using setbacks, it's important to remember that these should be meaningful to the character and their story. They should create opportunities for growth and character development rather than just being obstacles. Also, it's crucial to handle sensitive topics like trauma with care and respect.

What would be the most likely problem of someone who doesn't have the introspection or life experience of setbacks as to incorporate it in stories? Off the bat I can think of integrating into the story. Wouldn't an AI large language model help in that? How about modeling scenarios? Like how would other characters behave and the risks and issues of introducing the set back? But wouldn't AI help elaborate risks and problems? Avenues of attack and strategies and actions to move the story forward? Would it be crippling to also the player thinking through setbacks? If they lack the life experience overcoming it they may favor death over dealing with consequences and nuance.


Certainly, there are some challenges in implementing setbacks, especially for those lacking in life experience or introspective ability. Here are a few of those challenges:

  1. Creating Believable Scenarios: Lack of life experience might make it difficult to create believable and engaging setback scenarios that resonate with players. If the setbacks don't feel real, they may not provide the intended tension or spur character growth.

  2. Character Reactions: It could be challenging to predict how a character would react to a given setback, especially if it's a situation the game master (GM) or player has never personally experienced. This could lead to unrealistic or inconsistent character behavior.

  3. Moving the Story Forward: Without enough understanding of how setbacks can be overcome, it may be difficult for a GM or player to guide the story beyond the setback. This could lead to a stalled narrative, player frustration, or a premature end to the storyline.

  4. Handling Consequences: In the real world, setbacks often have far-reaching consequences that can be complex and nuanced. A less experienced person might struggle to fully represent these consequences in a game, leading to oversimplified scenarios that don't capture the full impact of the setback.

AI tools like GPT-4 can indeed be helpful in addressing some of these challenges. They can suggest plausible setback scenarios, help predict character reactions, propose strategies for overcoming the setback, and explore possible consequences. They can draw on a vast amount of data and information to generate these suggestions, making up for a person's lack of life experience to some extent.

However, AI has its limitations too. While it can provide suggestions based on patterns and examples in its training data, it lacks the personal understanding and emotional depth that comes from real-life experience. It also lacks the ability to understand the specific context of a game, the nuances of player dynamics, or the long-term narrative arcs that a human GM may have in mind. Thus, while AI can be a useful tool for generating ideas and solutions, it should be used in conjunction with human judgment and creativity.

Ultimately, the most effective way for a less experienced person to get better at using setbacks in their games may be to gain more experience—both by playing and running more games, and by seeking out diverse life experiences outside of gaming. Reading widely, exploring different genres of fiction, and engaging in empathetic conversations can also broaden their understanding of different types of setbacks and how people respond to them.