Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Latest Version of the Blender Planet Generator is uploaded with the manual

  1.  Uploaded a usable version of the more detailed World Generator. 
  2. Created a simple video tutorial how to set up. 
  3. There are a lot of Issues with the World Generator Spreadsheet I'm going to fix. (fixing up the world positions). 
  4. the 3 Systems for Encounter is on the works. it would probably be done by Mid November. There would be included Blender models of Space Stations. These are joined objects made from Daniel Grove's Kitbash kits got permission all the models will be "Joined" if you want to kit-bash your own with more basic parts you will need to get his kitbash kit otherwise you can only tweak the models we include with your Mneme World Generator.
    All the Planet and Space Station and Ship Scenes in the Add on booklet will be rendered and you will have access to the files - and thus if you want to reuse it or make different renders with it you can do what you like with it. 

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